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AML/CTF Program

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The AML/CTF Program will include a complete AML/CTF Policy that will be customised for your business. The policy document outlines policies and procedures to ensure that your business can best identify, mitigate and manage the risk of money laundering and terrorism financing in order to meet your obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) Act and comply with your business requirements to have a written AML/CTF Program in place.

Included within this program is a detailed Risk Assessment and Management Matrix which will allow your business to assess its overall Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) risk. This AML/CTF Matrix accompanies the AML/CTF Policy and is suitable for all Reporting Entities.

The AML/CTF Program is available for the following reporting entities:

  • Remittance Providers;
  • Digital Currency Exchange Providers;
  • Both Independent Remittance Dealers and Digital Currency Exchange Providers;
  • AFSL Holders;
  • AUSTRAC Item 54 Reporting Entities; and
  • ACL Holders.
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